Dzisiaj pojawiła się informacja o tym, że UFC zostało sprzedane (więcej informacji tutaj). Zobaczcie, jak w mediach społecznościowych zareagowali na to zawodnicy:
I am honoured to have fought under the Fertitta regime! To have been mentored by these great people on this great business is a true honour!
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) July 11, 2016
UFC worth as much as Star Wars. Pretty damn crazy.
— Josh Samman (@JoshSamman) July 11, 2016
I first started with the @UFC back in 2010 and today it sold. It's crazy how time flys.
— Chris Camozzi (@ChrisCamozzi) July 11, 2016
4 bil… I was probably worth more and so was everyone else right?
— Al Iaquinta? (@ALIAQUINTA) July 11, 2016
Congrats on the great investment years ago @danawhite @lorenzofertitta Looking forward to seeing the @ufc grow even more!
— Joe Ellenberger (@JoeEllenberger) July 11, 2016
Perfect time to change the revenue split to ➡️ 46% / 54% split to be equal to the other major sports.??? #WeAllNeedToEat
— Jeremy Stephens (@LiLHeathenMMA) July 11, 2016
Got a new boss, @ufc new PR machine, here comes #bigcountry pushed to a new level.
— Roy Nelson (@roynelsonmma) July 11, 2016
1 single move that would change the sport for the best, literally overnight..
Match the revenue split to all major sports. (Close to 50/50)
— Johnny Hollywood (@HollywoodCase) July 11, 2016
So I asked UFC brass after the sale, does that mean we all get paid more??? and they said…
— Big Ben Rothwell (@RothwellFighter) July 11, 2016
Deadly can't wait to see what % I'll get out of that 4 billion no more work for me going in to tell the boss to fuck himself
— Neil 2 Tap Seery (@NeilSeeryMMA) July 11, 2016
There are so many fighters, I don’t mind the mass email. I’ve had nothing but the best experience with the @UFC but excited for the future.
— Joe Lauzon (@JoeLauzon) July 11, 2016
I'd rather have Star Wars.
— Nathan Quarry (@NateRockQuarry) July 11, 2016