Ostatni raz gdy widzieliśmy Bena Saundersa w oktagonie przegrywał on przez nokaut z Patrickiem Cote. Ta porażka przerwała passę 3 zwycięstw “Killa B”. Mimo dodatniego rekordu w ostatnich 4 walkach (3-1) organizacja postanowiła nie podpisywać nowego kontraktu z zawodnikiem.
Jason Floyd z MMA Report potwierdził, że Saunders nie jest już zakontraktowany przez UFC, zawalczy on z byłym zawodnikiem UFC, Jacobem Volkmannem, 9 września na gali Fight Night at the Island.
Saunders (19-7-2 MMA) był zatrudniony w UFC już w 2010 roku, jednakże porażki z Jonem Fitchem oraz Dennisem Hallmanem spowodowały, że został zwolniony z największej organizacji na świecie. W kilka lat odbudował się w Bellator MMA, gdzie przegrał jedynie z Douglasem Limą. Po kilku walkach w Bellator, podpisał on kontrakt z Titan FC. W 2014 roku UFC postanowiło dać mu szansę w walce z Chrisem Heatherlym, którą wygrał przez rzadko widzianą w oktagonie omoplatę. Otrzymał on wtedy również bonus za występ wieczoru. Po 3 wygranych walkach, Saunders został pokonany przez Patricka Cote, co poskutkowało brakiem oferty ze strony federacji.
Zwolnienie “Killa B” może być zaskakujące dla wielu fanów, lecz UFC w tym roku podjęło już kilka tak kontrowersyjnych decyzji. Lucas Martins został zwolniony po wygranej nad Robem Whitefordem, Jared Rosholt mimo rekordu 6-2 w UFC również był zmuszony pożegnać się z organizacją, a Kevin Souza z rekordem 3-1 w oktagonie nie dostał oferty kolejnego kontraktu.
Powrót do Bellatora się szykuje.
UFC jak zwykle daje popis.. a nie jedno drewno dalej jest w tej organizacji.
Ej, a Lobov wciąż na kontakcie? :mamed:
A Graba?
Ciężka bidna jest w chuj… Dana pewnie wierzy, że jak Graba w końcu dopasuje materac o odpowiedniej twardości (polecam MALFORS, wiem, że czytasz Damian) to jeszcze wyjdzie z niego jakiś supersajanin
Do KSW go! :robbie:
tak i nam Borysa sklepie
Przydupas to nawet jak bedzie mial rekord 0-10 w UFC to nadal bedzie na kontrakcie i bedzie dostawal walki wieczoru:D niedlugo bedzie wieksza gwiazda niz rudy:D ja nie moge jak mozna trzymac takiego ogora a wywalac dobrych zawodnikow
Ooo, nowy w internetach na Cohones widze 😆
#KingArtem #StillThere
Szkoda, dawał bardzo fajne walki. Albo jakaś sprawa pozaoktagonowa, albo UFC bardzo dziwnie pojmuje "czyszczenie dywizji".
Zakonczyli wspolprace, prawdopodobnie z powodow ktorych do konca nigdy nie poznamy, ale zapewne wyplacili nalezne pieniadze i nie obrzucili stekiem epitetow. Gosc dostal rownoczesnie powazna szanse, na zarobienie powaznych pieniedzy. Rekordy 3-1 w UFC nie rosna na drzewach. Powrot do Bellatora czy moze walka z Duravem albo Askrenem ?
W końcu postanowilem utworzyć sobie tu konto, bo bylem to tej pory biernym czytelnikiem
W końcu postanowilem utworzyć sobie tu konto, bo bylem to tej pory biernym czytelnikiem
W zasadzie to lepiej niż 3-1, bo to była jego druga przygoda. Strasznie dziwna sytuacja, bo gość relatywnie rozpoznawalny i spokojnie mogący odsiewać ziarno od plew w stylu omoplaty z pierwszej walki powrotnej. Z Robertsonem też dał świetną walkę.
W zasadzie to lepiej niż 3-1, bo to była jego druga przygoda. Strasznie dziwna sytuacja, bo gość relatywnie rozpoznawalny i spokojnie mogący odsiewać ziarno od plew w stylu omoplaty z pierwszej walki powrotnej. Z Robertsonem też dał świetną walkę.
W pelni uzasadniona decyzja, sam jak bym nie mial to bym utworzyl 😉 Borys jak zdecyduje, ze chce walczyc z najlepszymi to pojdzie do UFC a jak nie to do dobrej kancelarii. W samym Poznaniu jest tego troche, jak wybierze Malo zamiast Wielkopolski to @Comber pokieruje 😉 Kontrakty KSW to dla niektorych zawodnikow spory problem, ale dla czesci staja sie tez powoli swojego rodzaju puklerzem i wymowka.
W pelni uzasadniona decyzja, sam jak bym nie mial to bym utworzyl 😉 Borys jak zdecyduje, ze chce walczyc z najlepszymi to pojdzie do UFC a jak nie to do dobrej kancelarii. W samym Poznaniu jest tego troche, jak wybierze Malo zamiast Wielkopolski to @Comber pokieruje 😉 Kontrakty KSW to dla niektorych zawodnikow spory problem, ale dla czesci staja sie tez powoli swojego rodzaju puklerzem i wymowka.
Więcej o zwolnieniu od samego Bena:
First I want to thank all my fans, and all the MMA fighting enthusiasts who are interested in knowing what is going on. I am sure the whole story will eventually come out at the right time, but as of right now, the only thing I can really say is this is all a combination of "Unfortunate Circumstance" and for that reason I will just be a man and take all the fault. I did not get cut by the UFC.
A quick summary without getting into any details, I fought out my contract. I did not hold out looking for more money, in fact I didn’t even ask to hear what the UFC offered my management on the new contract they sent over to them. Truth is, I was going through a really hard time with practically every aspect of my life.
I was dealing with Training camp issues that came up which was unexpected, combined with management issues, and on top of that personal family issues. I had my grandfather pass away right before my last training camp, and then my grandmother passed away about 3 weeks before my last fight. Needless to say I was not in the right state of mind, and physically, and mentally had a too much going on, which I tried to fight through hoping it would help keep me sane and my emotions in check by staying busy.
Combine that with the fact that I was on a 3 fight win streak and the pressures of trying to make the last fight on my contract a memorable one. It all just was an unfortunate cluster fuck, with everyone and their mom, having different opinions and ideas of what should and should not happen. As stupid as it may sound, I felt lost and alone, which is an awful place to be in general, let alone while trying to compete at the highest level.
I have found out the hard way in the past that sometimes the reality of life isn't something that people can understand, so speaking about all the issues one might be going through, tends to just make things worse than better. So I preferred to keep silent and try to just work through everything myself in my own way. It’s been a non stop roller coaster ride, but one I have voluntarily committed to. So once again this is why I say it is a lot of unfortunate circumstances combined with decisions I made, so I take full responsibility for where I am now.
Needless to say, I had a lot of shit to figure out, fix, and resolve before getting back in that cage. As I feel I have much to make up to all the MMA fans out their for my terrible and lack luster performance last fight. I did not want to disappoint the fans or myself, by not being ready to give anything but a spectacular action packed performance which I want to be known for.
Fixing all of these aspects of my personal life and my career was not an easy task, but once I finally felt confident and had my mind right again, it was unfortunately too late. UFC had filled my spot on their limited roster, which I completely understood. Once again, they don’t know anything about any of this going on in my life, and I would imagine just considered my silence a form of resignation.
To UFC and Joe Silva’s defense as well, I tried to jump on the UFC 202 card as a short notice 2 week replacement. Joe Silva was all about it, as long as I could make weight and get medicals done in time. Which I could have and was on top of. Unfortunately after the Brock Lesnar fiasco with USADA. There is now apparently a 4 month minimum in which I would have to be under the USADA testing pool in order to be allowed to fight with them again I believe.
I don’t know the logistics, or all the details exactly, but if it is a ruling to keep our sport clean and safe, then I respect the decision 100%. But once again I am just forced to deal with another “Unfortunate Circumstance” in my life, and know that I need to not focus on what I can’t change or do, and just focus on what I can. Like the Dalai Lama says “The meaning of Life is Happiness” and I believe that completely. So I am just gonna keep doing me no matter what struggles life may throw at me. Trying my best to do what makes me Happy in life.
I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know and believe that when I am focused, and emotionally intact, in shape, and well prepared, I have the tools to beat anyone in the world at my weight class. I have a very unique and deadly skill set, that would give anyone in the top 10 fits with the right preparations.
I want to thank Joe Silva for really fighting for me while dealing with the USADA issue for UFC 202, as I know he fought hard to try and get me the green light to make my return. It sucks it didn’t happen, but it is what it is.
I also truly want to thank Eddie Bravo, all his 10th Planet Samurai and Antoni Hardonk and his team for all the help they gave me leading into my last fight. I tried to create a fight camp with them, and we all worked very hard. I was way more depressed about seeing all our/their hard work falter come fight night, but they really are amazing human beings who cared tremendously about me and my career. Without their help I probably would have just bowed out completely from taking that fight at the time. The 2 of them live on the complete opposite side of the country from me, yet they opened their doors for me, and I am forever grateful.
Thank you again to all my fans, and the whole MMA community for being AWESOME! You guys always make my day, and help this crazy life as a pro fighter way more enjoyable. Keep supporting the greatest sport in existence. As I know we have the best fan base of any sport ever in my opinion. 🙂
Więcej o zwolnieniu od samego Bena:
First I want to thank all my fans, and all the MMA fighting enthusiasts who are interested in knowing what is going on. I am sure the whole story will eventually come out at the right time, but as of right now, the only thing I can really say is this is all a combination of "Unfortunate Circumstance" and for that reason I will just be a man and take all the fault. I did not get cut by the UFC.
A quick summary without getting into any details, I fought out my contract. I did not hold out looking for more money, in fact I didn’t even ask to hear what the UFC offered my management on the new contract they sent over to them. Truth is, I was going through a really hard time with practically every aspect of my life.
I was dealing with Training camp issues that came up which was unexpected, combined with management issues, and on top of that personal family issues. I had my grandfather pass away right before my last training camp, and then my grandmother passed away about 3 weeks before my last fight. Needless to say I was not in the right state of mind, and physically, and mentally had a too much going on, which I tried to fight through hoping it would help keep me sane and my emotions in check by staying busy.
Combine that with the fact that I was on a 3 fight win streak and the pressures of trying to make the last fight on my contract a memorable one. It all just was an unfortunate cluster fuck, with everyone and their mom, having different opinions and ideas of what should and should not happen. As stupid as it may sound, I felt lost and alone, which is an awful place to be in general, let alone while trying to compete at the highest level.
I have found out the hard way in the past that sometimes the reality of life isn't something that people can understand, so speaking about all the issues one might be going through, tends to just make things worse than better. So I preferred to keep silent and try to just work through everything myself in my own way. It’s been a non stop roller coaster ride, but one I have voluntarily committed to. So once again this is why I say it is a lot of unfortunate circumstances combined with decisions I made, so I take full responsibility for where I am now.
Needless to say, I had a lot of shit to figure out, fix, and resolve before getting back in that cage. As I feel I have much to make up to all the MMA fans out their for my terrible and lack luster performance last fight. I did not want to disappoint the fans or myself, by not being ready to give anything but a spectacular action packed performance which I want to be known for.
Fixing all of these aspects of my personal life and my career was not an easy task, but once I finally felt confident and had my mind right again, it was unfortunately too late. UFC had filled my spot on their limited roster, which I completely understood. Once again, they don’t know anything about any of this going on in my life, and I would imagine just considered my silence a form of resignation.
To UFC and Joe Silva’s defense as well, I tried to jump on the UFC 202 card as a short notice 2 week replacement. Joe Silva was all about it, as long as I could make weight and get medicals done in time. Which I could have and was on top of. Unfortunately after the Brock Lesnar fiasco with USADA. There is now apparently a 4 month minimum in which I would have to be under the USADA testing pool in order to be allowed to fight with them again I believe.
I don’t know the logistics, or all the details exactly, but if it is a ruling to keep our sport clean and safe, then I respect the decision 100%. But once again I am just forced to deal with another “Unfortunate Circumstance” in my life, and know that I need to not focus on what I can’t change or do, and just focus on what I can. Like the Dalai Lama says “The meaning of Life is Happiness” and I believe that completely. So I am just gonna keep doing me no matter what struggles life may throw at me. Trying my best to do what makes me Happy in life.
I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know and believe that when I am focused, and emotionally intact, in shape, and well prepared, I have the tools to beat anyone in the world at my weight class. I have a very unique and deadly skill set, that would give anyone in the top 10 fits with the right preparations.
I want to thank Joe Silva for really fighting for me while dealing with the USADA issue for UFC 202, as I know he fought hard to try and get me the green light to make my return. It sucks it didn’t happen, but it is what it is.
I also truly want to thank Eddie Bravo, all his 10th Planet Samurai and Antoni Hardonk and his team for all the help they gave me leading into my last fight. I tried to create a fight camp with them, and we all worked very hard. I was way more depressed about seeing all our/their hard work falter come fight night, but they really are amazing human beings who cared tremendously about me and my career. Without their help I probably would have just bowed out completely from taking that fight at the time. The 2 of them live on the complete opposite side of the country from me, yet they opened their doors for me, and I am forever grateful.
Thank you again to all my fans, and the whole MMA community for being AWESOME! You guys always make my day, and help this crazy life as a pro fighter way more enjoyable. Keep supporting the greatest sport in existence. As I know we have the best fan base of any sport ever in my opinion. 🙂
Ja go zawsze lubiłem, pozytywny koleś, walki też potrafił dać bardzo emocjonujące.
Mam nadzieję, że te wszystkie rzeczy o których pisze sobie poukłada i wróci fizycznie i mentalnie do stanu, w którym będzie mógł znów walczyć z sukcesami w UFC
Ja go zawsze lubiłem, pozytywny koleś, walki też potrafił dać bardzo emocjonujące.
Mam nadzieję, że te wszystkie rzeczy o których pisze sobie poukłada i wróci fizycznie i mentalnie do stanu, w którym będzie mógł znów walczyć z sukcesami w UFC
Borys ma już od marca ustalonego rywala – Aslambek, nie ma co mówić, ale Saidov zasłużył sobie na walkę o pas. A kto dalej… Dobre pytanie.
Borys ma już od marca ustalonego rywala – Aslambek, nie ma co mówić, ale Saidov zasłużył sobie na walkę o pas. A kto dalej… Dobre pytanie.
Może pniak jak wygra z Cipkiem i wróci do 77
Może pniak jak wygra z Cipkiem i wróci do 77
przetlumaczy ktos to o nie ogarniam a jestem ciekaw
przegra * Wówczas walki o pas po przegranej raczej nie dostanie 😉 . Zobaczymy, najpierw Saidov.
przegra * Wówczas walki o pas po przegranej raczej nie dostanie 😉 . Zobaczymy, najpierw Saidov.
dziwne że go wywalili.
dziwne że go wywalili.
Dorosły facet użala się jak pięcioletnia dziewczynka, że zmarł mu dziadek i babcia.
Dorosły facet użala się jak pięcioletnia dziewczynka, że zmarł mu dziadek i babcia.
Bez sensu :confused:
Bez sensu :confused: