Zobaczcie jak reagował świat MMA na walkę Jeremy’ego Stephensa z Gilbertem Melendezem, poddanie w wykonaniu Rafaela dos Anjosa czy główną atrakcję wieczoru gali UFC 215.
They both are going to think they won @ufc
— Alpha Cat Zingano (@CatZingano) September 10, 2017
The boo's are ridiculous. This is such a technical fight.
— Ian McCall (@Unclecreepymma) September 10, 2017
There must be a lot of ghosts in Edmonton ? I'm hearing a lot of Boos #ufc215
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) September 10, 2017
Only thing clear about main event fight decision was that it was a close fight. #UFC215
— Kenny Florian (@kennyflorian) September 10, 2017
Heyyyyy! @Amanda_Leoa congratulations! Parabéns! ?? pic.twitter.com/EYC41MhTYI
— #CyborgNation #UFC232 (@criscyborg) September 10, 2017
Wow. Valentina is pissed. #WWE needs to sign her and let her cuts promos. #UFC215
— Ian McCall (@Unclecreepymma) September 10, 2017
Uh ohs #UFCEdmonton pic.twitter.com/73hM2WBlLl
— Bec Rawlings (@RowdyBec) September 10, 2017
This post fight rant is better than the fight lol #UFCEdmonton
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) September 10, 2017
Dnt listen to Rogan he's 2 biased! @Amanda_Leoa won that fight! You cnt t8 the belt from champ only walking backwards and getting takendown pic.twitter.com/87N6qCOY5V
— #CyborgNation #UFC232 (@criscyborg) September 10, 2017
RDA is turning everyone into a believer at him being at WW! #UFC215
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) September 10, 2017
RDA making it look e-z against Magny. #UFC215
— Kenny Florian (@kennyflorian) September 10, 2017
Wt freak just happened!!! #UFCEdmonton
— Aljamain Sterling (@FunkMaster_UFC) September 10, 2017
Wow absolute domination by @RdosAnjosMMA he looked so sharp on the mat! Huge win for him
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) September 10, 2017
Yikes !!!! Scary good bjj
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) September 10, 2017
Something about Henry reminds me of someone's style…
— Coach Kavanagh (@John_Kavanagh) September 10, 2017
Gonna have to run Cejudo vs DJ back again.. Cejudo looked great tonight
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) September 10, 2017
Cejudo brings life into the flyweight division. No running around, straight town to business. ?? very sharp he was tonight #ufc215
— JIMI MANUWA (@POSTERBOYJM) September 10, 2017
Feel like that was an early stoppage but always proud of @wilsonreis7. Hardest working MFer in the game & I'm inspired by him daily #UFC215
— Angela Hill (@AngieOverkill) September 10, 2017
Well, Cejudo looked like a different dude tonight. Much improved offensively and defensively. #UFC215
— Kenny Florian (@kennyflorian) September 10, 2017
Keeping it flowy
— Coach Kavanagh (@John_Kavanagh) September 10, 2017
Damn! ?????
— tim means (@MeansTim) September 10, 2017
Melendez is so tough. Man, that was hard to watch. #ufc215
— Tatiana Suarez (@TSPMMA115) September 10, 2017
Dude @GilbertMelendez is a tough MF'er????????????
— Brad Tavares (@BradTavares) September 10, 2017
Congrats @LiLHeathenMMA though. Postponed wedding life to scrap. ?? to his future bride
— KailinCurranAsing (@KailinCurran) September 10, 2017
Holy shit man Jeremy fought beautifully, but Do you understand what Gilbert just gutted thru ???? Amazing show of Heart
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) September 10, 2017
If I do that to your leg no way you makin it to a decision #MoveForward #NeverForget #IPushedYouOnYourAss #YouDidntDoShit
— Platinum Mike Perry (@PlatinumPerry) September 10, 2017
#ufc215 @GilbertMelendez pic.twitter.com/eKz8AJsciL
— Zachary Makovsky (@ZachFunSize) September 10, 2017
Strasznie mi kurwa smutno, ide sie najebac chyba. Valentinie ten pas jak psu buda sie nalezal.Kawal materialu na zajebistego czempiona, huj wi co teraz.
Wg mnie Valentina została okradziona ze zwycięstwa. Rozumiem, że niby mistrza/mistrzynie należy wyraźnie pokonać aby wygrać ale wg mnie Shevchenko wygrała 2, 3 oraz 4 odsłonę walki a w piątej gdy została obalona robiła z dołu dużo więcej niż Amanda, która po obaleniu rywalki zwyczajnie chciała chyba wyleżeć do końca.