Zobacz, jak zareagowało środowisko MMA na wieść o przyznaniu się Lyoto Machidy do stosowania nielegalnych substancji:
UFC has released a statement on Lyoto Machida and changes to this weekend's card: https://t.co/Q7l37z3Yaa
— Dave Sholler (@DaveSholler) April 13, 2016
New FOX Main Card: Glover-Rashad, Rose-Tecia, Khabib-Horcher, Swanson-Dias
— Dave Sholler (@DaveSholler) April 13, 2016
P.O.S. -No respect https://t.co/03O5oM7sM9
— Dan Henderson (@danhendo) April 13, 2016
I feel like the UFC's statement writer must be developing a callus at this point.
— Michael Carroll (@MJCflipdascript) April 13, 2016
— Brendan Schaub (@BrendanSchaub) April 13, 2016
The Machida piss jokes are already getting annoying.
— Seán Sheehan (@SeanSheehanBA) April 13, 2016
Rinse and repeat. Oss! https://t.co/DHtyAPtCaK
— The Mane Event™ (@EliasTheodorou) April 13, 2016
Machida pulled from card. Damn! Card to a hit. There's still some good fights on #UFCTampa but I'd been looking forward to that matchup.
— Gorgeous George (@MMAjunkieGeorge) April 13, 2016
Hey @mousasi_mma you appear to have been right!
— “Filthy” Tom Lawlor (@FilthyTomLawlor) April 13, 2016
@danhendo was ready for machida, it does prove he had a good game plan though- step 1: cheat step 2: refer back to step 1
— Sam Alvey (@smilensam) April 13, 2016
would watch. RT @shaunalshatti: Screw it. Cowboy vs. Hendo. Who says no?
— Daniel Rubenstein (@dannyrube) April 13, 2016
Another one bites the dust… Keep knocking em off @usantidoping.
— James Krause (@TheJamesKrause) April 13, 2016
Three UFC fighters (including two former champions) in trouble with USADA in less than a week.
— Guilherme Cruz (@guicruzzz) April 13, 2016
Body count keeps rising with PEDs. How desperate must you be to continue to use PED drugs in spite of the program? Hendo hit it P.O.S.
— Chris Wade (@CWadeMMA) April 13, 2016
If you fight and beat someone up and fail for PED it should be criminal let alone suspensions. Dan is in his mid 40s, smh. Gross
— Chris Wade (@CWadeMMA) April 13, 2016
Seriously – ALL FIGHTERS – download the WADA app. Here's what pops up if you search "DHEA." Clearly banned. pic.twitter.com/sbsGhICTkB
— John Morgan (@MMAjunkieJohn) April 13, 2016
Man, @ufc @ufconfox @fs1 all these guy eating bad meat, drinking pee popping for PEDs We should do The Natural… https://t.co/p6meo73I2N
— Roy Nelson (@roynelsonmma) April 13, 2016
Lyoto Machida vs. Dan Henderson fight cancellation marks the 12th main or co-main event change to the UFC calendar so far in 2016.
— Mike Bohn (@MikeBohnMMA) April 13, 2016
Machida fails drug test. In the words of Nate Diaz "I'm not surprised motherfuckers!"
— michael (@bisping) April 13, 2016
Middle weights with steroid use. Anderson, machida, vitor, hendo, Yoel,who am I missing? Almost the entire top ten.
— michael (@bisping) April 13, 2016
I will fly and fight @danhendo right now. My mouth piece is in my pocket. I don't need anything else.
— Tim Kennedy (@TimKennedyMMA) April 14, 2016
USADA strikes again. When will these guys grow some balls… naturally.
— Luke Rockhold (@LukeRockhold) April 13, 2016
Dan Henderson is really upset that he won't be fighting Saturday since he already paid for a babysitter for his wife. #UFC
— MMA Roasted (@MMARoasted) April 13, 2016
Lyoto Machida is out of #UFCTampa after his unibrow tested positive for Growth.
— MMA Roasted (@MMARoasted) April 13, 2016
Lyoto Machida failed a Drug Test and will not fight Dan Henderson Saturday night. Hendo will now fight Alzheimer's. #UFCTampa
— MMA Roasted (@MMARoasted) April 13, 2016
MMA Roasted ma używanie z tej afery DC
@Szady Ale zdjęcie to dobrałeś tak jakby Machida umarł, a nie przyznał się do koksów DC
Roasted jak zwykle dowala do pieca 🙂
A może Jacare vs Camozzi 3 w zastępstwie?
W sumie dobrze że moje
W obliczu tego jak bardzo UFC ostatnio lubi rewanże, to już przestało być śmieszne.
@Szady dobrze że żadnej z moich kurwów nie wstawiłeś 😀
Kennedy czemu nie
Czułbym niespodziankę w tej walceDC
Ten tweet z Mousasim rozpierdala system ! :D:D
Roy Nelson 😀
A z kimże to on się aktualnie prowadza?
Rachel Malter
A tu fota ze ślubu DC
wywiady angry Mousasiego nie wzięły się jak widać z niczego.
"Hendo will now fight Alzheimer" :rofl:
Tak całkiem poważnie – ciekawe, czy ktoś z wyjątkiem Kennedy'ego kiedyś pokonał Bispinga będąc czystym :p
Konkretne te amerykańskie śluby. U nas sztampa, kościoły i disco polo.