
(Foto Dave Mandel / Spojrzenie z bliska na piątkowy efektowny występ Rose Namajunas na Invicta FC 5.


  1. Świetny materiał,

    Rose ma potencjał, żeby zostać jedną z głównych gwiazd Invicty – która swoją drogą, robi genialna robotę dla kobiecego MMA. Już w pierwszej walce pokazała się z bardzo dobrej strony, bardzo dobry parter, do tego chyba dość solidna stójka, zobaczymy jak się zaprezentuje na tle kogoś mocniejszego, ale można śmiało powiedzieć, że ma przed sobą przyszłość.


    Ona jest córką jakichś litewskich imigrantów, czy co ją łączy z Litwą? Bo urodziła się w Stanach prawda?

  2. Moglaby Pata troche podszkolic


    Tak, jej rodzice wyemigrowali do Stanow. I Rose urodzila sie juz tam.

    JB: Last question, Rose, and it has been an honor and a pleasure to talk with you.  You seem to have lived many lives already.  What experiences have contributed most to making you who you are today?

    RN: That’d take years to answer completely, but I’ll give it a shot!  I’ve experienced some whack situations that I’m sure many others could relate to.  My parents escaped the Soviet Union as refugees to America, but my father couldn’t be in my life because of his schizophrenia and died when I was 16.  My mom did everything to take care of my brother and me.  I’ve witnessed everything in my neighborhood and schools – robbery, arson, homicide, abuse, and even suicide.  I don’t want to sound like a sob story, but “to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.”  I’ve also had as many good experiences as bad and now I’m with the love of my life.  If everyone felt this way, there wouldn’t be wars or sadness.


    JB: I’m ignorant when it comes to Lithuania.  I know where it is, but what can you tell me about the culture of Lithuania?

    RN: Lithuanians are very proud of their culture from years of Russian oppression during the Soviet Union.  They are simple people who love basketball and nature.  Nature is very important due to the fact we were the last Pagan country in Europe before turning Catholic.  When I visited family, we would just walk through the forest and eat wild blueberries, strawberries, and gather mushrooms to make dinner!  It’s very different from American fast food.  The language is very old and unique.  Also, common dishes include potatoes, cabbage, beets, barley, greens, berries, and mushrooms.  If you want to learn more about Lithuania, watch the documentary called “The Other Dream Team.”


  3. ta gala jak dla mnie przebiła niejedną mocną galę UFC i jedno trzeba przyznać – kobiety nie są jeszcze zainfekowane walczeniem w stylu „punch & +back” 🙂

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